If you don’t think a baby monkey is one of the cutest animals on this planet, I’m guessing your heart is also the size of the Grinch who stole Christmas.

There is a certain Monkey that isn’t cute and it is a bastard to get rid of/get over.  Naming the monkey is usually one of the hardest parts, if you haven’t guessed it yet, the Monkey I’m talking about is the one on your back.

Random Rabbit Trail/Side Story: 

My dad had a pet monkey when he was a kid.  Your first thought is probably of a “Curious George” level of cute monkey living in the house, but the stories told of the monkey paint a different picture  All of the neighbors have stories of what a bastard it was and how hard it would bite, if you mention it to my Grandma she will get into a dither just talking about how it climbed and wrecked the curtains and how it “Piddled and Did its Business” behind the chair.  My grandparents were not well off and lived just outside the small village of Nolalu, Ontario, Canada,  Thick bush, cold northern climate, rocks, lakes, trees make up the landscape, NOT monkey habitat.  Nolalu is close to the port town of Thunder Bay Ontario, the head of the Great Lakes and the largest grain terminal elevator in Canada for most of the 1900’s, for commodities heading out on the Atlantic Ocean.  I’m guessing this monkey caught a ride with one of the sea faring ships from a tropical country and got traded through the port until it somehow ended up in a 100 year old farm house in the middle of nowhere, owned by my Dad.  My dad said he didn’t have it long, as both Grandma & Grandpa put their foot down and it had to go, but who else can actually say they had a pet monkey.

Back to the Monkey in THIS Story, The Monkey on your Back

This saying apparently dates back to an ancient tale involving a monkey on somebody else’s back, namely the fable by Aesop (who lived circa 620–564 BCE) that is known in English as The Monkey and the Dolphin.  There are a lot of conflicting stories and meanings, but the most popular still is: a monkey on one’s back , Slang/Idiom

  1. an enduring and often vexing habit or urge.
  2. a burdensome problem, situation, or responsibility; personal affliction or hindrance.
  3. an addiction to a drug or drugs; narcotic dependency.

The Monkey we are talking about today is 1 & 2 and it can be cumbersome to over come.

The hardest part is naming/finding the root cause of why you have a monkey on your back.

Who or What is the hitchhiker/piggy-backer/invisible nemesis riding around with you?  That seems to be the hardest part of the equation